4 expert tips to make the most of your new massage gun — RecoverFit
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4 expert tips to make the most of your new massage gun

Did you know… Massage gun treatments are called ‘Percussion Therapy’.
Why is it called Percussion Therapy?
Because that is the term of how the massage gun head hits your body.
Think of it as a Drum, the head of the gun is hitting the body thousands of times per minute!

Got a new massage gun as a present? Or maybe just decided - it’s time to start working on my recovery resolutions. Here are a few tips from our recovery experts on how to get the most out of your new massage gun. To help you reduce both painful knots and delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS) so that your workouts go smoother. 

But before you fire up the machine, know this: as intuitively pleasing massage guns seem to be, there are still right ways of using them-and a little professional advice can help get more from one's recovery period.

Our Massage Gun Collection

Hypervolt Go 2
Hypervolt Go 2
Hypervolt Go 2
Hypervolt Go 2
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Hypervolt Go 2
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Hypervolt Go 2
Hypervolt Go 2
Hypervolt Go 2
Hypervolt Go 2
Hypervolt Go 2
Hypervolt Go 2
Hypervolt Go 2
Hypervolt Go 2
Hypervolt Go 2

Hypervolt Go 2

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Hypervolt 2

Hypervolt 2 PRO
Hypervolt 2 PRO
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Hypervolt 2 PRO


1. Always listen to your body 

Listening to your body is key when it comes down to a proper recovery. If anything feels too uncomfortable or painful, then you should stop what you're doing immediately because there's no need to torture yourself. Have full control of your massage gun and apply different pressure to different spots. Try working with varying amounts of force until it feels good, remember - it can be a little bit uncomfortable, but never painful.


2. Use the massage gun before working out

The next time you feel like your muscles are too tight and stiff, hit them with a quick pre-workout massage gun sesh. A few seconds will help release any tension before training begins so that when you start moving it's less painful as there isn't as much tension in certain areas due to getting circulated blood flow going again. Some people don’t know this but you should do this especially if you’ve been sitting at work or home all day! Massage guns aren’t just for gym junkies that live in the gym often, they are a great transitional tool to get you from sedentary work mode to warmed up and ready workout mode!

3. Change the attachments

There's no one-size-fits-all when it comes to head attachments. There are many attachments that will have different effects depending on your needs. Explore and experiment with various massage techniques until you find one which works best for your body type then stick to it.No muscle or tendon in our bodies works alone, they need some help from their neighbours. So whenever you're working on one area, make sure to cover all muscle groups. Start with what feels stiff, and work from there – you'll be surprised how much ground you covered in such a short time and how good it feels.


4. Stay in control

This can be tough when you're playing with a percussion gun, but it's important to know that there are different levels of pressure and strength so your tissues don't get too tired out before they have enough time to recover from the previous shot. Use pressure where you can while still making a solid contraction with tissues under the percussion head. Most importantly - enjoy, have fun and think about all those gains you’ll be getting!
